Saturday, December 29, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Another Moto?
I've been thinking about another motorcycle. This time, I want a dirt bike. Well I guess now they are called a "dual sport." In the olden days, we knew them as enduros.
Let's see what happens....
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Not Much
I got nothing to report. Fabien and Michelle did a "blog tag" thing but they are the only two people I know who actually HAVE a blog, so I would just tag them back, and where is the fun in that?
Oh I did buy a new truck. Care to guess which brand?
Got the bed sprayed.
Got the canopy, to protect my stuff.
First is a 2.5 inch lift kit.
Then new wheels.
Then some knarly tires.
Then the nerf bars.
Then the bumper.
Last the lights.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Thursday, October 04, 2007
You've got to be kidding!
Check this out.
This too!
In fact, I love this BLOG. It is classic. Rocky's got it nailed.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Unicat Americas
The forces of nature
Welcome to our world.
Travel off the road,
off the beaten track.
Travel to the end of the earth,
and to your own center.
Travel to discover the world anew,
On the way you will experience the unforeseen,
Come up against new situations,
Make decisions again and again
And though you really have no idea now what it will really be like
It is exactly what you anticipate
Smacks of high adventure,
And it is a great adventure
You therefore need a vehicle that offers dependability and safety on route
A vehicle that affords well being and quality of life,
even under extreme conditions
A vehicle tailored to your personal requirements
This is the standard every Unicat vehicle meets.
Mature engineering which shows also in the details ensures your safety
Customized solutions realize individual needs
An integrated vehicle concept satisfies highest demands
No matter where the journey takes you
Achieving this quality level calls for intelligent structures and a broad based approach
Specialized staff from various departments work hand in hand
Utilize synergies and constantly devise new solutions
State of the art machinery and equipment
Facilities like our own testing grounds simply expect them
Knowhow and competence built upon technical superiority
Plus experience, experience, experience
You wish to travel cross frontiers
Break new ground
Marvel at unspoiled nature
Master extreme situations
You set off and already have reached your destination
Unicat wishes you a good journey

Saturday, September 15, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Oh, this is happy news
We're doomed. If we can't take care of the animals, how can we be expected to take care of ourselves?
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Slippery Slab
North Cascades, kinda near Steven Pass

This was the first part of the climb, just a scramble. I'm hauling a full rack and a 70m climbing rope.

Saturday, September 01, 2007
So, we do Yoga 2x a week. Been going about 2 months now. Man, I really like it. Good for stretching, good for muscle work. Little bit of Meditation. Yoga has it all. Most importantly I am climbing better than I ever have before and my calves no longer ache in pain because they are so tight.
These are the Yoga poses I know:
Froggie - Pigeon - Crow - Side Crow - Bird of Paradise - Down Dog - Up Dog - Baby Cobra - Happy Baby - Warrior 1, 2 and 3 - Boat Pose - Plank - Childs Pose.
There are others, but that is ALL I can think of now. I can almost do this:
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Thompson - Again
So last weekend, Brian and I decided we would try Thompson again. This attempt would be different:
- Leave from his cabin @ Alpinetal
- Leave super early
- Go as light as we can
- Go as fast as we can
As we're unloading things from my truck, I lock the keys in the cab. Nice. Not a big deal as most of my climbing gear is in the shell, and it is unlocked. So it looks like we will walk to the trail head. No biggie, maybe half a mile.
Brian and I drink a beer and relax. Try to get to bed early since it is an early rise. At 12:15 I wake up and remember I have a special credit card key in my wallet. How could I be so stupid as to not remember that? Jesus, am an idiot. I lay awake for the next 3+ hours waiting for the alarm. It doesn't go off and finally I get up @ 4am.
I eat a big bowl of Museli, as I'm not gonna bonk on this epic SOB. We're on the trail @ 5. Not bad, actually 5:02. An hour or so up the trail, we're making good time, but I'm hearing voices...Shit, somebody is on the trail behind us? Hell. An hour or so later, they pass us. Climbers. Where they headed? They say Thompson. Shit. Shit. Shit. It could be a problem. If they get on the rock BEFORE us, then we have to wait for them. Thompson is a long approach in and out. Last time (about 2 months ago) it was a 17 hour day. We were back at the car at midnight. Brutal. I have never been so completely wiped out.
As we put on our boots and start to rack up on the first pitch, we hear voices. There they are, just minutes behind us. As the four of them come around the first big rock, we're ready to go. Brian has built a rock solid (ha ha) anchor and I'm tied in and ready to try this bastard again. We brought a new 9.9 mm 70 meter dual weave dry rope, I got on sale @ Those guys have good stuff at good prices.
Pitch 1 - Climb a chimney. I remember. Turn towards they north and climb another climney. I remember it too. Scramble over the burley bush. Go. I'm feeling good, but the rope drag is really starting to be burdensome. I'm near the end of the rope. I find a decent ledge and set up a belay station. I have to huff and puff to really bring in the rope. We should have used more doubles and triple runners.
Pitch 2 - Climb up and around a corner. Move up slow and steady. Ah here is the ledge I remember last time. How did I get up this? I move to the right, and put in an Alien...Hmm, I don't like it. I step down and head back to the ledge. Shit what now. Ah hell, just climb. I put in that same Alien Cam @ the ledge and hope that if I fall, it will stay stuck in the crack. It was a while ago that i put pro in...If I fall, and that Alien pulls, it's really gonna hurt. Later I get to the ridgeline. I remember this spot as my water bottle fell out of the sleeve last time. I think it went a couple hundred feet. I wonder, did it break? It was my livestrong bottle. Damn. Oh well. Better the bottle than me! I decide the rope drag is so bad that I have to belay Brian from this spot. I tug on the rope and it barely moves. Jesus. This is gonna take a while. After quite a while of tugging, and my arms are burning like hell. I get Brian up the the ledge.
Ridgeline - I bring Brian up and we're gonna protect the next slabby section. I put in a couple pieces but soon I'm out of rope. Good thing too. I was getting tired of rope drag, once again. Our climber friends are right behind us. They are proably better climbers, and they are in rock shoes, not boots. Two distinct advantages. I tell Brian, I need a break. He has to lead as the rope drag is killing me and I need just a bit of a breather.
Brian heads to the left up a little ramp and around the corner. The rope is moving pretty fast as I'm guessing, it's pretty easy climbing. It is. In a few minutes he's on the top, but this is not the summit. We walk along the top and discover a small ridge. Brian leads out, as he scrambles over and climbs an easy 4th class pitch. He brings me up and we toss the rope down and walk to the top. The sun clears up the fog and we sit for a half an hour enjoying the view.
Money Shot
Me on the top, facing north, the southern hump is just behind me.
Summit Movie
We walk north and with two rappells down, are near a meadow where we can walk down the far eastern side of Thompson. This appears to be the scramble route up. You mean we could have walked up? Jesus H?
We get down the scree/talus field and in to the bottom of the bowl. Nice snow melt water. We fill up the water bottles, eat a snack and head back up the other side of the bowl, back to bumblebee pass and PCT will take us home. Moving fast, we are back at the parking lot in 3 hours.
- Trailhead - 5:00 am
- Bumblee Pass - 8:30 am
- First Pitch - 10:00 am
- Summit - 2:00 pm
- Depart - 2:30 pm
- Bottom of bowl - 4:30 pm
- Trailside - 5:30 pm
- Trailhead - 8:30 pm
- Total Time 15:30 hours
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Thompson - Denied
Tried to make an attempt on Thompson again. Damn diet foiled me as I didn't feel like I had any juice in my system. My Naturopath warned me about that. I didn't believe her. Now I do.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
My Friend Tom Sent me This
A Professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
The Professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.
The Professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous "yes."
The Professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.
Now, said the Professor as the laughter subsided. I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things--your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions--and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.
Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take up a hobby or special interest.
The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car.
The sand is everything else--the small stuff. If you put the sand into the jar first, he continued, there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls.
The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal.
Take care of the golf balls first--the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand. One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The Professor smiled. I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Hello to Rabbits
So today's blog is an official hello to Rabbits. Why? Because Rabbits and I now eat the same food. Short Version: My kidneys don't process protiens very well. Therefore, as directed by my Naturopath, I'm changing some of my dietary habits to see if that makes a difference, and taking some suppliments.
- Vitamin E
- Astralagus
- Cordycep Sinensis
- Emergency C with MSM
- No meat (chicken, beef, pork, sausage) fish is OK
- No dairy (milk, cheese, ice cream) soy is OK
- No white rice (brown is OK)
- No refined sugar (Look at the ingredients. What doesn't have sugar added? Jesus H!)
- No refined flour (What doesn't have flour? No pasta, cookies, bagel, pastries, chips)
- No coffee (Ouch)
- No alcohol (Not even a beer. Double Ouch)
- Fruit - OK, I eat tons of fruit anyway. Dried fruit with no sulfates in it.
- Veggies - Eat quite a bit of those.
- Nuts - Eat some with cereal, but could eat more
- Beans - Eat some, but I could eat more
- Fish - Eat once a week but now more like 3-5
- Flourless bread - Gotta admit not bad
- Tortillas - Love those
- Water - Drink lots, could drink more
- Soy Milk - Don't like it, but now I'm learning
- Fruit Juice - Drink some, but could drink more
- Medi-Clear Suppliment Powder - Mix this in with the above
So I started on Friday the 20th. For some bizzarre reason, Saturday night my lower back and hips were killing me. Sunday same thing, but not as bad. The aches and pains have gone away, now. Monday I added the powder mix. It's not that good. Kinda caulky. Mostly rice protien. Feeling OK. Maybe my diet isn't as good as I thought?
So I asked the Doc, what was up with the lower back pain. She said some type of reaction is pretty common. Depending upon your diet, is how drastic you react. Wow. What if I was a Mr MacDonalds 3x a week kinda person? We took my blood preasure for fun.
- Two months ago: 128/80
- Now: 117/73
Oh no. It's better. I think I'm in trouble.
So I stay on this for 3 weeks (actually 18 days remaining) then I get a blood draw, then we see what my numbers are.
How do I feel? Actually I feel OK. Kinda hungry since stuff burns through me pretty quickly. I do feel "lighter" too. Yea, I'm pooping twice a day, but that's only one more than usual. Who knows, more details later.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Will somebody explain to me, in terms my small brain can understand, what in the fuck is with this Golf thing? Jesus H Fucking Christ on a crutch! Is it the rich who want you to know they are rich? Is it the poor who want you to think they are rich? Is it the middle class straining to reach the upper middle class? I have no idea.
I couldn't say it better myself.
God Bless the Internet.
One of these times, when someone asks me if I golf, which of these will be my answer?
- Golf is for fags..Ya know that wasn't a very nice thing to say about a fag.
- Golf, are you fucking kidding me? Do I look like a golfer?
- Golf? I think I'd rather be fucked a hungry grizzley bear in the ass.
- Golf....Hmmm Golf...What is that exactly?
- Golf....Uh...Golf....Hmmm....I don't play golf. I think it's lame, stupid and for fat ass fucks who can't do anything else.
Fade in dreamy music...
At the first hole, I smacked the fuck out of the ball and thought, hmm this might be fun. Since I refused to ride in the cart, I went to look for my ball. Don't remember if I found it or not, but now for smack two!
Smack. Hmmm Ok, look at that little fucker go. Interesting. The harder I try, the farther it DOESN'T go. What in the hell is with that? OK, I can tell this is gonna be stupid as shit. Good thing I have a beer with me.
(smack, walk, smack, walk, smack, look in weeds, get another ball....4-5 holes later)
Well hell...How much more do we have of this? 18 holes? You're fucking me, right? Holy shit. Okay, smack the ball 5-10 times per hole, and do this 18 separate times? Shit. I am in serious trouble.
Well, I can say with certainty I sure as hell won't be doing this stupid thing again.....Good Christ, how can people do this all damned day? Better yet, these fuckers with their stupid golf clubs cart them bastards to Arizona and California and all sorts of places to play golf? Shit I see dumb asses towing their golf carts around to OTHER courses....Good God.
If you are my friend, and you golf you know me well enough to NOT be offended. If you are NOT my friend, and you were offended. Uh. Piss off.
I really hope my health is NEVER so poor that the only thing I can do is golf. I think that would be sheer hell. Worse than cancer. At least it was a challenge, and it was NOT boring.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Hanging Out
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Damn Snow
So if you look @ weather patterns throughout the US of A, pretty much most western states are in a serious drought. Colorado, Montana, Arizona, New Mexico. What about Washington and Oregon? Uh. No. Not quite. Not close. We've got so damned much water it's scary. Hell there is still SO much snow up in the Cascades. In fact, I've been here 13 years and I don't remember this much snow, so late...ever.
So Brian and I tried to climb a simplish route yesterday, kinda near Skykomish.
Uh...hello snow.
Don't you need to go?
I've been waiting for you to melt
Even if it's slow.
I'd like to do some climbing
Instead of this stupid rhyming
And this is how I've felt
You've got such shitty timing.
An hour up the trail, it was wet, raining, cold, and snow covered. Not sure if our climing season is a bust this year....Maybe good glacier climbing, but as far as the pure alpine pursuit....I'm skeptical.
Can anybody say Vantage? How about Smith Rock?
Monday, June 11, 2007
Sopranos is DONE
So we were pretty avid Soprano's watchers. I liked it and thought the ending was rather fitting to the show. What happened there? I suspect Tony was killed, AJ joins the Hollywood scene, since he appeared to be impacted by "worthlessness" of it all, Carmela became another mobster widow, and Meadow became a mobster lawyer in pursuit of a bias against "Italian" Americans.
HBO produces the best TV on TV. However that said, the best series todate is Six Feet Under. Best drama series on television, ever. Watch it, and you be the judge.
I watched Lost. OK.
I watched Heroes. Decent
I don't watch game shows. Lame
I don't watch popularity shows. Super Lame
I don't watch reality shows. Uh.....
However, I like MTV2 Rob and Big. Funny as shit.
GMa and Kenneth - Visit 2007!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Da Toof
Monday, May 28, 2007
Mid Spring Guye Peak
Brian on the snowy approach.
I have no idea, but it was funny.
I guess Brian isn't having as good a time as I am?
We ended up bagging the attempt and heading home early.
Friday, May 25, 2007
7 Hills of Kirkland
Local bike ride on Monday, but I'm planning to go climbing...damn.
I would really like to try to ride the 7 Hills of Kirkland (full century ride) on my singlespeed BUT it has no cranks!!!
DAMN, that would be such a fantastic challenge!
100 days - Regroup
OK so my first attempt didn't work as well as I wanted...So, I'm gonna regroup and try again...Starting June 1st. Again, 100 days. This, frankly is even HARDER since I now am working. Oh, yea...that's right. I have a job.
This Jay is NOT Stellar
I'm pretty much a lover of all wildlife...The super wild and the urban dweller. When we lived in Sammamish, a Flicker used to visit our house all the time (this was LONG before Fish Sauce) He was a loud bird, and I wasn't too upset when he quit visiting @ 6am.
HOWEVER, for the last 3 mornings, I am abrupted blasted out of bed (today it was about 4:50 am) by a neighborhood Stellar's Jay who decides he needs to scream at the top of his fucking bird lungs that he's awake and everybody else should be too....Little bastard. No point in trying to go back to sleep since when I am awake, Fish Sauce is awake too.
- 4:50 - Wake up
- 5:20 - Get out of bed
- 5:22 - Take wizz
- 5:25 - Feed Mo
- 5:30 - Feed Kuri
- 5:35 - Make latte
- 5:40 - Sit in hot tub
- 6:00 - Out of hot tub
- 6:02 - Change into running clothes
- 6:03 - Out for a run
- 6:04 - Oh shit
- 6:05 - Back to house for poop
- 6:07 - Poop
- 6:10 - Out for a run (2nd try)
- 7:15 - Back from run
- 8:00 - Shower and ready for work
- 8:30 - Head for work
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Quick Ride?
So Fab and I rode today...Good to get out on such a spectacular day. We rode the long route, which is about a 2 hour route...Woodinville Duvall Road, Ames, Union, Avondale, 132nd, Woodinville Duvall. Fab tells me this winter we rode it in 2:25. Today we rode in 1:53. Gotta admit, the single speeds (road and mountain) are certainly making a difference in my strength!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
First day, back to work
Without going into too many details, I decided it was time to work again. It was a good opportunity doing work that I enjoy (process engineering and work group restructuring) for a large IT support group and the most important things are it is for someone I like and trust.
I think it will be good.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
So Brian and I drive up to the pass to look at climbing the tooth. Jesus, remember all the snow we had this winter? Uh, that shit is STILL UP THERE. We get there and it's cold and foggy and looks like winter...HELLO, IT'S MAY!
So we came back, and hiked mailbox peak off of exit 32.
Brian's ankle is still a little stiff, so he took longer to get down than I did. It was a nice day and the weather could not have been better.
Friday, May 11, 2007
100 Days of Hell
So recently (ok it was 11 days ago) I decided I really needed a stretch goal towards my fitness. So I decided it was 1 hour of moderately hard exercize for 100 days. No breaks. No walking, no pussie crap. Activities that qualify:
- Riding - I never ride really slow, so even when it's easy, it's counts.
- Running - I ran 3-4 times in the last 11 days. One day I think I ran close to 8 miles. That counts.
- Lifting - Good Old 24 fitness....Gotta get in there for at least 1 hour most times I'm in there for 2.
- Hiking/Mountain Climbing - Hiking with 40 lbs of stuff up at least 1000 feet of elevation gain, or climbing with a full day's gear., rack, rope, supplies, lunch....
- Walking - That isn't gonna do it for me, unless I had, what, 50 lbs in my back?
- Climbing - Like over @ Marymoor or @ exit 38. Good, but doesn't fit my fitness qualification.
How am I doing so far? Eleven days in, and I've got about 17 hours of the above logged, with each and every day, at least 1 hour. I was feeling pretty wiped out a couple of days ago but took a easy ride on Thursday, and a lighter lifting schedule today, and I'm ready to go climbing tomorrow!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
In downtown Seattle
I went for an M-Cycle ride today. Weather was amazing....Picture perfect. Big puffy clouds, and blue sky....
Anyway, while waiting at a light, at an intersection near the downtown exhibition center, somebody took my picture.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Motorcycle Class
So in Washington you have to have your motorcycle endorsement. I don't, so I chose to take a class to get it. Basically it was 1 day (8 hours) of instruction, and about 12+ hours of ride on the range time.
This was a novice (beginners) class, but several people already had motorcycles, and only two of 18 had never been on a motorcycle to any great degree. Needless to say, most everybody did alright.
Yours truly got a 98% on the written exam (I missed one question that was worded funky) and a 99% on the riding range exam (missed the standard braking test by one foot. Needed to brake in 13 feet, I did it in 14. However the hardest part of the test was making a "S" in a painted box. I think of the 11 riders, only 2-3 made out with out going over the lines, or putting their foot down. Somehow I was able to squeek through.
So now I can go to the DMV and get my endorsement so I can ride legally. According to this class, only 15% of Washington riders have their endorsement. Hmmmm. Clearly this whole "endorsement process" is a rubber stamp for someone's benefit.
I think I will take a track riding class down @ SIR. That would help my riding, much more than riding in a painted box in a parking lot!
Friday, April 13, 2007
Jacket is here!
So my vanson showed up...Shit I totally look like BILLY BAD ASS. Pix later. Feels good to ride in more solid gear...Kinda like riding without a helmet. Just feels funny and exposed.
Do you believe I've had the bike 3 weeks and NEVER gone over 70 mph? Neither do I, but it's true! I've not had it in 6th gear yet.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
An Ego Stroke
So I'm thinking I want to go out for dinner, but go somewhere cheap and funky! Where do I end up? Pig Kitchen in Bellevue!!! That place is awesome.
So as I'm finishing up my dinner I notice folks had come from across the street @ the Bistro, and were admiring my bike. As I walk up the said "Oh this is yours..It is a very nice bike." Interestingly enough the woman was very well versed in Ducati. I learned her hubby had a 900.
She asked if I would start it up and I happily responded. As I hit the throttle, she let out this gasping screetch, like she's just shot her wad. Wow...
Then, as I ride around the block and back over to 8th street, I notice while @ the light, a guy totally staring at the bike....I finally look over and he says..."Nice bike." I give him a wave, and off I go.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Boots and Gloves
Went to look at boots and gloves @ Eastside Motorsports. Got a decent deal on both and didn't even need to ask for it. Young guy helped me....Nice. Saved me a little more than our damned 8.9% tax rate. Shit everytime I buy something more than a hundred bucks, I get pissed, since almost 10 more goes to the state. Bastards.
So I bought Sidi boots (what else?) and Held gloves.
I seem to have done a US/Italy thing, lately.
- 2 Bianchi Bikes but both single speeds (USA market, Italian company)
- 1 Ducati Motorcycle (Pure Pasta Babyeee)
- Arai Helmet (Japanese, sorry but they make THE best helmets)
- Vanson Jacket (USA and best leather made, period)
- Sidi Boots (Italy, like I had a choice after owning 4 pairs of SiDi shoes and loving every pair.)
- Held Gloves (USA Good, since they fit like a shit, well glove.)
I think it's kinda fitting of the nuevo retro thing. Best of breed, but classic.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Nearing Easter
As we get near Easter, it is easy to remind myself my "born again" status. My 3 year anniversary is June 10th. Wow, how blessed am I? If I think about it, I will cry.
A new kinda ride!
Today, I took the beast for a little cruise....Wow...What a smile I had on my face! Been a while and I had complete forgotten how damned fun a motorcycle is. Excellent.
Monday, April 02, 2007
Saturday, March 31, 2007
AAC Weekend in Bend - Smith Rock Clinic
I try my own little magic....and have some success, but can't make the moves to top out.
By the look on my face here, I'm working hard.Back on the ground.
I do the "shot" with Linder and I.
Later we get together for session two. Steve House is kind enough to belay for me, and I pick my way up an easy route. Brian, who blew his ankle @ Marymoor, is hanging out, watching the action. We have some epic climbs planned this his ankle better heal quick!
Later that evening, we're treated to a slideshow/video by Tommy Caldwell and Beth Rodden. Tommy climbed two routes on El Cap in one 24 hour period. As I recall, it was 60+ pitches. Those of you who don't know, a pitch is a segment of climbing where you typically swap leads, limited by your rope length, usually 50-60 meters or 150-180 feet. That much climbing is unheard of. That much climbing where portions are 5.13 are unthinkable. Most folks take days to get to the top of El Cap. Even if you CAN go in a day, running down to the bottom to then climb up ANOTHER route, and do that all night?
On a different note, I sought out Yvon Chouinard to tell him I loved his company and loved what he's done for the climbing community....With a big smile he graciously thanked me. I didn't want to bother the guy, so I quickly faded back into the banquet crowd.