Sunday, April 22, 2007

Motorcycle Class

So in Washington you have to have your motorcycle endorsement. I don't, so I chose to take a class to get it. Basically it was 1 day (8 hours) of instruction, and about 12+ hours of ride on the range time.

This was a novice (beginners) class, but several people already had motorcycles, and only two of 18 had never been on a motorcycle to any great degree. Needless to say, most everybody did alright.

Yours truly got a 98% on the written exam (I missed one question that was worded funky) and a 99% on the riding range exam (missed the standard braking test by one foot. Needed to brake in 13 feet, I did it in 14. However the hardest part of the test was making a "S" in a painted box. I think of the 11 riders, only 2-3 made out with out going over the lines, or putting their foot down. Somehow I was able to squeek through.

So now I can go to the DMV and get my endorsement so I can ride legally. According to this class, only 15% of Washington riders have their endorsement. Hmmmm. Clearly this whole "endorsement process" is a rubber stamp for someone's benefit.

I think I will take a track riding class down @ SIR. That would help my riding, much more than riding in a painted box in a parking lot!

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