Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I've got wood

On the mountain SS, about 5 weeks ago, took a bash in the left shin. Couldn't walk for two days. Had to buy another bottle of Advil as I drained the few remaining pills. Even had to dig deep into my little pharamcological stash and get out a Percocet.
Anyway, more Advil from Fred Meyer (it was on sale) and I was able to get by. A week ago, the thing is still swollen, but just a little. Huh...It actually stings a little. Damn. Damn.
Go to the local GP doc, and express my desire to lance and drain it, to make sure it doesn't get worse. As he cuts into it, he finds wood. Nice...
I keep the largest chunk he finds. On the right is the current anti-biotic. Gonna have to take 40 of the bastards.....
The crosshairs, the old scab and no swelling. Healing nicely..

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Horrible Job Market

Damn, it's tough out there...