The best thing about Ridgecrest was the SIZZLER!!!

So I've not eaten @ a Sizzler since I was in college. I mean hell, in Pocatello, it was one of the nicer places in town. So as we pull into Ridgecrest they have this giant Sizzler billboard. Well it registered in my brain. So we go there.
1. This place still has a real f**king salad bar! Remember those days about 20 years ago? Well the "SIZ" hasn't forgotten that some of us "bound up" individuals need our daily fiber fix, and I am certainly no exception. It ain't no pizza parlor crap salad bar. It's unlimited trips to a got everything smorgasboard, including soup, pasta salad, potato fixins, (Good God, did I just type the word fixins? This is what happens when you marry a Texan. Don't tell her I said that.) a desert bar with soft serve ice cream!
2. Good food! Sizzler isn't everwhere, but west coast. I ordered a signiture steak (a nice cut of meat) with a salad bar and a dos equis beer. Mrs Dirtbagger did the salad bar.
3. Cheap! A totaled it was about 35 bucks! Shit! I gave the "server guy" a 10 dollar tip I was so happy with how good the food was!
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