Saturday, October 07, 2006


I'm sure I took photos in Phakding, but didn't have any worth posting up. As I recall the hike from Lukla to Phakding took about 3+ hours. The trail was wide, smooth and easy to navigate.
The one thing I did not get a photo of, were the Maoists taking "donations" along the trailhead as an "entrance" fee. Now mind you, we had already paid entrance into the park.
These bastards were extorting 2500 rupees per person to continue up the trail. 700 rupees is 10 USD, so like 35 dollars per person. Bullfuckingshit. Being the indignant American, I just walked past them. I'm not giving them shit and don't plan on it.
I talked to many many climbers and trekkers during my time in Nepal. Everyone paid the 2500 rupees.
p.s. On my way back down the mountain, three weeks later. I passed the same Maoists, on the same trail. I ignored them, just as I did the first time. They called me names, but I kept my 2500 rupees, both times. Bastards...

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