Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Kathmandu Again

Back in Kathmandu. Bill took this photo of Niels and I getting a post clilmb shave. Tom was kind enough to share his favorite Kathmandu barber (right across from Northfield Cafe, which has the most consistent internet access in town). A nice shave with a razor (rough cut then even smoother) was 150 rupess. That's about $2.10. After the 6 of us were done, we headed to the New Orleans and had beers, food and dessert. What you cannot clearly see from this photo is we've all showered, had a fresh shave, and are wearing really clean clothes. This is the hotel Shankar, where I discovered my second trip had been cancelled. Hmmm...The local operator has offered to give me a private trip, all I need to do is tell them what I want to do. about climb ANOTHER mountain?

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