Unexpected High Camp - 20,000 Feet
We continue to make our way up the mountain.
Up another 1000, feet. Snow is getting a little deeper but no too bad. This is us, with the pinnacles on our left. .JPG)
Bill's shot of Me, Colin, Niels, and Tom's arm.
I'm kinda smiling here, but not really. Remember the part about the sufferfest?
Well here it is.
This is our unexpected camp site. We were supposed to go farther up the mountain and get to Advance base camp, but the Yak herder had a hissy shit fit and decided he was taking the yak herders and the yaks back down to Rombuk. I never heard somebody scream so much.
These were our yaks leaving us about 3 hours and 1000 feet short of our destination. I was very angry @ those yaks, very angry indeed. (Its a joke, folks.)

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