Me in front of the Rombuk Monestary. This is where we got our yaks, and let me tell you, they were some of the skinniest yaks I ever saw!
Me sitting in front of the tribute plaque for George Mallory with Everest in the background. The lower portion of base camp is covered with little monuments of climbers who have died on the northern route. Part of me (the survivor portion) thinks "
How silly is that, dying while climbing a stupid mountain?" then the achiever part of me thinks. "
Well if I'm gonna go, I hope it's doing something I love." Neither are wrong, just different.
This is Pasang and Tom, chillin.
Me, enjoying the view
Bill snaps this photo of us having a little meal time.
This is the day hike we went on. Everybody else was farther up the hillside. This is me, Colin and Tom. You can see the tents of Everest Base Camp below. We are at about 18000 feet here, and I am in super suffer mode. Little did I know, this was just the beginning of the sufferfest, and lord did I suffer.
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