I have no question mark.
So my keyboard in Husband Land aka Cubby Land quit working. Bizzare....Think about that one for a while. Take off a punctuation from your keyboard. What would you miss. The question mark. Everything else you could just get by if you just spaced between words folks would get it Eventually Right Maybe Not.
So what do I do with a keyboard who's question mark doesn't work.....question mark...
Try it. Take a key off your keyboard and they write around the fact that you don't have that letter. Where would you get so furstrated that you couldn't communicate
You're at work. On email, How long would you function with no question mark
.....question mark........question mark........question mark...
Now take that a step further. Can you think of someone who if their keyboard question mark quit working, how long would it be before they even noticed.....question mark........question mark...
You think wild stuff when you're high. I guess this counts. The Rastafarians believe that the smoking of ganja puts you closer to your true self as you question many things. Do you need to be high to be aware.....question mark........question mark........question mark........question mark........question mark...
Think THAT. Could you train your brain to achieve the feeling from being high.....question mark...Is that possible.....question mark...Bizarre.....question mark...
AND NOW...Think THAT. Holy Shit, I just forgot what I was going to type.
How could that be anymore beautiful.....question mark...
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