Friday, May 25, 2007

This Jay is NOT Stellar

I'm pretty much a lover of all wildlife...The super wild and the urban dweller. When we lived in Sammamish, a Flicker used to visit our house all the time (this was LONG before Fish Sauce) He was a loud bird, and I wasn't too upset when he quit visiting @ 6am.

HOWEVER, for the last 3 mornings, I am abrupted blasted out of bed (today it was about 4:50 am) by a neighborhood Stellar's Jay who decides he needs to scream at the top of his fucking bird lungs that he's awake and everybody else should be too....Little bastard. No point in trying to go back to sleep since when I am awake, Fish Sauce is awake too.

  • 4:50 - Wake up
  • 5:20 - Get out of bed
  • 5:22 - Take wizz
  • 5:25 - Feed Mo
  • 5:30 - Feed Kuri
  • 5:35 - Make latte
  • 5:40 - Sit in hot tub
  • 6:00 - Out of hot tub
  • 6:02 - Change into running clothes
  • 6:03 - Out for a run
  • 6:04 - Oh shit
  • 6:05 - Back to house for poop
  • 6:07 - Poop
  • 6:10 - Out for a run (2nd try)
  • 7:15 - Back from run
  • 8:00 - Shower and ready for work
  • 8:30 - Head for work


Anonymous said...

I sympathize with your bird problem. I know how annoying they can be and I want to tell you there is an answer. Most people think shotgun and they think a big hulking 12 guage that will leave bruises on your shoulder. But to take care of jay, your best bet is the 20 guage. It will easily kill the bird, but do so with little recoil. There will also be a bird and not just a bunch of feathers and bloody entrails. I recommend feeding the bird to your dogs or taking it to a taxidermist. Happy hunting!

Mr DirtBagger said...

Thanks for the tip, but a Stellar's Jay to the taxidermist? He'd laugh me right out of the shop.

Besides, I lack that type of skill and gun...I guess I could use my my 30-30 and see if I could pick him off a branch. Not sure my neighbors would dig that, but shit they've got the yappy little chihuahua that has been bustin my balls for months now...Might get a bonus, two fer one. :)