Downtown Butte, what a hoot

A view of Butte. Ever been there? Don't worry you didn't miss much. However 10 minutes later, I view one of the most bizzare things I've ever seen. I kept seeing this white thing high on the ridge above Butte. As I view through the binocs, I say out loud "Jesus H. Christ."
Later we go back to the campground and ask a local. "Who is that on the ridge? Is it Mary or Jesus?" The response was "Neither, that is our lady of the Rockies....." OK, I give up, WHO IS our lady of the rockies...Our lady of the rockies....Hmmmm. I don't get it.
Later research determines it's Mother Mary of God, of course...I mean of who else would you build a 90 foot statue? It is wrong to expect the locals to know about a 90 foot statue outside their hometown?

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