Liberty Bell

- Got a late start.
- Portions of the trail wiped out by avalance.
- Got on the wrong trail.
- Got off route.
- Didn't belay from the right spot.
- So, on a Sunday with a 3.5 hour drive back, we bailed.
Random Observations
OK. I've had it. I've blown 5 tubes with these damned 700x23 tires. I love Conti's, but these 4000 S are impossible to get on a rim.
Saturday's route was really nice. It teetered into the brutal space as I was on the singlespeed with 39x17 gearing. Low for the hills, but brutal on the flat....If I had ridden my geared cross bike with the knobbies, that would have been easier.
Kirkland, Sammamish, Issaquah, Mirrormount Hill (2x), Renton, Bellevue, Clyde Hill, Medina, Kirkland.
Two birthday cards.
Texted Happy Birthday song.
Hand delivered flowers.
Took her out to lunch.
Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream after dinner.
A Zen Teacher saw five of his students return from the market, riding their bicycles.
When they had dismounted, the teacher asked the students, "Why are you riding your bicycles?"
The first student replied, "The bicycle is carrying this sack of potatoes. I am glad that I do not have to carry them on my back!"
The teacher praised the student, saying, "You are a smart boy. When you grow old, you will not walk hunched over, as I do."
The second student replied, "I love to watch the trees and fields pass by as I roll down the path."
The teacher commended the student, "Your eyes are open and you see the world."
The third student replied, "When I ride my bicycle, I am content to chant, nam myoho renge kyo."
The teacher gave praise to the third student, "Your mind will roll with the ease of a newly trued wheel."
The fourth student answered, "Riding my bicycle, I live in harmony with all beings."
The teacher was pleased and said, "You are riding on the golden path of non-harming."
The fifth student replied, "I ride my bicycle to ride my bicycle."
The teacher went and sat at the feet of the fifth student, and said, "I am your disciple."
Decided I needed a geared all weather bike. The Litespeed certainly fills that void easily. Pulled the old Dura Ace 8 speed, and XT deraileur, put on some used Dura Ace 9 speed I had from the other road bike.
Swapped the alum bars for some used Easton Carbons. Peeled the decals for a stealthy look. Added Fenders, a new SRAM 12/23 cassette and 9 speed chain.
Up 135th SE, headed toward Trilogy.
Local borders is closing out all their CDs to sell only pop crap. I picked these up for 30% off....
Q. What is the easiest way to take a Harley apart?
A. Start it
Q. What do Harleys and dogs have in common?
A. They both like to ride in the backs of trucks
Q. How do you know when a Harley needs oil?
A. It isn't leaking
Q. What is the difference between a Harley and a vaccuum?
A. The position of the dirt bag
It's looking a little gloomy....I suspect the bad weather is a coming.
Maybe it will clear up...No body on the rail trail on a day like to day...Snow forcasted.
Rail Trail Action Shot
I pass through Carnation, get a coffee (which she didn't do right, which pissed me off, but instead of having her redo it, I just let it bother me. What a dumb ass.) and head up Tolt.This is a spot on the road where I stopped to fix a flat I got probably 100 yards ago. Is that the karma for being pissed off about the coffee drink? Probably.
I decide to climb Ames Lake, like 100 times before. but on my way back on Union, I decide to detour, cut through a couple of subdivisions and end up back on Ames Lake again. Good. Now I know more of the Broadhurst subdivision. I use my usual bypass road.
Back on the side road of the 203....This spot always floods.
No problemo as it's barely past my rim.....I've ridden it MUCH deeper.
The dark gloomy weather coming? Here it was. BB sized hail. Nice.
It's OK as someone was home, waiting for me to return.