Chippy 'Bow
So everybody knows that Kuri's been limping for a while and we've been trying to figure out what's been going on. A year ago, we took her to the vet and he didn't/couldn't see anything via X-rays. Now, she really favors her left front leg. So we took her back to the Vet for another X-ray. He said he thought I saw a chip in her elbow, but wasn't sure. He suspected arthritis, so as an older dog, we just dealt with it. She started getting MSM and glucosamine.
Another visit to the same vet, a specialist. He took Xrays again, and found she's got a fracture in her left leg. He suggested the radiologist for a better look and to be sure of what he now suspected.
So we went to the radiologist yesterday, and Kur dog got a CT scan. Kinda interesting, the doc bought an older technology scanner and uses it on animals now. Pretty cool....So they let me sit there while they did the scan, and then to doc showed me the results and talked me through what he saw.
Basically, Kuri has a fracture running up the inside of her "arm" at the elbow joint. Now we go back to the surgeon. More details later.