Monday, May 28, 2007

Mid Spring Guye Peak

Brian and I decide we're gonna try Guye peak. We were not successful. Rock was too slick andt the route we were trying to scope out was to brushy and hard to protect.

Brian on the snowy approach.

I have no idea, but it was funny.

I guess Brian isn't having as good a time as I am?

We ended up bagging the attempt and heading home early.

Friday, May 25, 2007

7 Hills of Kirkland

Local bike ride on Monday, but I'm planning to go climbing...damn.

I would really like to try to ride the 7 Hills of Kirkland (full century ride) on my singlespeed BUT it has no cranks!!!

DAMN, that would be such a fantastic challenge!

100 days - Regroup

OK so my first attempt didn't work as well as I wanted...So, I'm gonna regroup and try again...Starting June 1st. Again, 100 days. This, frankly is even HARDER since I now am working. Oh, yea...that's right. I have a job.

This Jay is NOT Stellar

I'm pretty much a lover of all wildlife...The super wild and the urban dweller. When we lived in Sammamish, a Flicker used to visit our house all the time (this was LONG before Fish Sauce) He was a loud bird, and I wasn't too upset when he quit visiting @ 6am.

HOWEVER, for the last 3 mornings, I am abrupted blasted out of bed (today it was about 4:50 am) by a neighborhood Stellar's Jay who decides he needs to scream at the top of his fucking bird lungs that he's awake and everybody else should be too....Little bastard. No point in trying to go back to sleep since when I am awake, Fish Sauce is awake too.

  • 4:50 - Wake up
  • 5:20 - Get out of bed
  • 5:22 - Take wizz
  • 5:25 - Feed Mo
  • 5:30 - Feed Kuri
  • 5:35 - Make latte
  • 5:40 - Sit in hot tub
  • 6:00 - Out of hot tub
  • 6:02 - Change into running clothes
  • 6:03 - Out for a run
  • 6:04 - Oh shit
  • 6:05 - Back to house for poop
  • 6:07 - Poop
  • 6:10 - Out for a run (2nd try)
  • 7:15 - Back from run
  • 8:00 - Shower and ready for work
  • 8:30 - Head for work

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Quick Ride?

So Fab and I rode today...Good to get out on such a spectacular day. We rode the long route, which is about a 2 hour route...Woodinville Duvall Road, Ames, Union, Avondale, 132nd, Woodinville Duvall. Fab tells me this winter we rode it in 2:25. Today we rode in 1:53. Gotta admit, the single speeds (road and mountain) are certainly making a difference in my strength!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

First day, back to work

Without going into too many details, I decided it was time to work again. It was a good opportunity doing work that I enjoy (process engineering and work group restructuring) for a large IT support group and the most important things are it is for someone I like and trust.

I think it will be good.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


So Brian and I drive up to the pass to look at climbing the tooth. Jesus, remember all the snow we had this winter? Uh, that shit is STILL UP THERE. We get there and it's cold and foggy and looks like winter...HELLO, IT'S MAY!

So we came back, and hiked mailbox peak off of exit 32.

Brian's ankle is still a little stiff, so he took longer to get down than I did. It was a nice day and the weather could not have been better.

Friday, May 11, 2007

100 Days of Hell

So recently (ok it was 11 days ago) I decided I really needed a stretch goal towards my fitness. So I decided it was 1 hour of moderately hard exercize for 100 days. No breaks. No walking, no pussie crap. Activities that qualify:

  • Riding - I never ride really slow, so even when it's easy, it's counts.
  • Running - I ran 3-4 times in the last 11 days. One day I think I ran close to 8 miles. That counts.
  • Lifting - Good Old 24 fitness....Gotta get in there for at least 1 hour most times I'm in there for 2.
  • Hiking/Mountain Climbing - Hiking with 40 lbs of stuff up at least 1000 feet of elevation gain, or climbing with a full day's gear., rack, rope, supplies, lunch....


  • Walking - That isn't gonna do it for me, unless I had, what, 50 lbs in my back?
  • Climbing - Like over @ Marymoor or @ exit 38. Good, but doesn't fit my fitness qualification.

How am I doing so far? Eleven days in, and I've got about 17 hours of the above logged, with each and every day, at least 1 hour. I was feeling pretty wiped out a couple of days ago but took a easy ride on Thursday, and a lighter lifting schedule today, and I'm ready to go climbing tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


I ran like 8 miles today...Holy shit!