Monday, January 29, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Mailbox Peak
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Boots, Boots, Boots.
OK, I've had it with my Sportivas. Those italian boots have killed my feet for the last damned time. I shipped them off to my friend Tom and hopefully on his next trip to Nepal and climb he can give them to someone. They are too worn out and trashed to sell. Goodbye. These are Asolo Titan GTXs, I got these on sale @ REI....Now I'm not a HUGE fan of REI but they will do in a pinch. However, since REI will allow any item to be returned (including BOOTS you have used) I figured it was insane to keep buying boots that are not working for my feet. If these don't work, that's it. I will climb the Cascades in these....
These are another option, however less viable for any real serious technical climbing....
Monday, January 22, 2007
J and Y in town
- The Tap House in Bellevue. I had not been there before. 160 beers on tap? Amazing. I loved it. We called Blood Clot Brian and he joined us.
- We also went wine touring of some of the local boutique wines. Nice. J has a collection of 700+ wines. I have one bottle and Mrs Dirtbagger drinks that, so I guess it's not really mine is it?
- Had dinner @ Il Fornia. Hadn't been there, and it was pretty damned decent, even for a chain restaurant. Awesome. Possum.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
So I couldn't hold out. One of the local bike shops had one of the Bianchi's that I wanted for 100 bucks less than retail. Considering it was a new 2007, the right size, and our tax rate is almost 9% I thought it was OK to go ahead. I've already removed a bunch of tacky stickers (wheels mostly) changed the seat, seat post, tires, cranks, pedals, and stem. Next is a shorter bottom bracket, fenders for crappy weather riding, and bottle cage for holding the battery for NiteRider lights. I'm seeing blue sky today. Time to ride!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
New Bicycle?
Every couple of years I get a "hankerin'" for a new bike. Here is what I'm grooving on now. I've ditched the motorcycle idea. I think I will buy a Paul Smart model a year from now, when I can buy MUCH cheaper. This is the new Bianchi Lewis, single speed Mountain Bike with matching RockShox REBA fork. it retails for about 1400 bucks. Totally hip in the new celeste green color, huh?It is very cool. I wish my good friend Fabien was a Bianchi dealer, then I could get a smoking hot deal on one.
This is the OTHER bike I'm diggin on. The 2007 Bianchi Roger, going for about 1100 bucks. It is a single speed cross bike with mechanical disc brakes. Is that cool or what. Just wait until you see what I do to it. I've got some big plans to make it ultra cool. Cool has been missing for a while. I decided to bring it back.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Mtn Ride @ Black DIamond
Fabien, Michelle and I decided we were hard enough to go and ride in Black Diamond. When I got up, it was POURING....I thought oh, shit....this is gonna be bad.
A couple of hours Michelle and Fabien show up @ my house to head out....and the weather is looking better.
After 2+ hours riding we decide it was time to head home. Fortunately, I looked @ the direction we were headed, so I knew I could get us out of there. That place can be a little confusing. Gotta love Casio watches! For the record, I had a $400+ Sunnto watch. Damn compass quit working @ 18 months, and it basically died right after the 2 year warranty ended....No more. I'm sticking with Japanese Watches!
BTW, this ride made me think of a single speed mountain bike....Hmmmm...Never really thought about getting one of 'em. Little to "trendy" for me. However, in tight, techincal, sloppy terrain, might be a good option.....