Sunday, December 10, 2006
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Me and Chel.
Me and Ms. Dirtbagger
Friday, November 17, 2006
Matt and Tim find Pink Taco, and I take a picture of them @ the discovery of pink tacos. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, including pink tacos.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Trip Summary
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
LAX....Getting close to home.
Cars (Animation Flick)
School of Rock (staring Jack Black)
I REFUSED to watch The Devil wears Prada.
Bascially I stay up the entire flight, all night since I know I will be in LA @ about 10 pm and need to go to bed. It was a challenge and I found myself dozing off everonce in a while. When that happened, I trotted back to the galley and had the attendants fetch me up a Coca Cola. During this flight, I drank no beer or wine, but I think I drank 6 Cokes.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Hanging in Kathmandu AGAIN
Since we get back to Kathmandu early, we have a problem. We were not expected back until the 1st of November. It's the 23rd. Hmmmm...Flights are booked. Looks like I hang out in Kathmandu for a few days.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
- The start of the nepal "festival of lights." Which in Nepalese terms, means party.
- Drinking tons of cheap whiskey and beer
- Staggering and stumbling back to my hotel at 1am
- Falling down HARD and feeling significant pain. Oooohh....Did that hurt!
- Laying there until a Sherpa comes and picks me up out of the dirty water.
- As a result of the fall, tearing a hole in the knee of my pants, and cracking a rib.
- Yes, I am an adult, but you'd be hard pressed to find any evidence of it!!!
Friday, October 20, 2006
Tongba on my Birthday

I told several people it was my 43rd birthday. Not sure why, since I only turned 42!!!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Tyangboche and Pangboche
This was a little guest house and bakery near the town of Tyangboche. This is me, eating a chocolate donut and a cimm-uh-mum bun.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Island Peak Base Camp and Dakman Ry
This is the guy who carried my bag then entire time I was in Nepal. His first name is Dakman Ry (not sure of the spelling). Dakman Ry was bout 5' 6" and about 130 lbs. He was also amazingly strong.
On the daily voyage, I would pack my big black patagonia bag and haul it out side. Dakman Ry would lift my 60 lbs of crap and put it on top of his basket. These baskets were triangular in shape. Dakman Ry's stuff went into the basket, and my giant bag went on top.
Dakman Ry would leave while we ate breakfast. I would usually catch him an hour or so later, but remember, I didn't really have anything to carry. He had EVERYTHING. This guy impressed the hell out of me. He spoke no English, so I didn't get to know him very well, but for all his work, he was paid 500 rupees a day, or about 8 US dollars. I made sure he got a tip when we were back in Lukla.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Imja Tse (Island Peak) Climb

- Jumar (run ascender up the rope) with left hand.
- Stab ice axe into the snow with right hand.
- Take a step up with left foot.
- Follow up with step of right foot.
- Take a breath.
- Take a breath.
- Repeat @ step 1.
A group of German climbers has come around me @ the top of the head wall. I stopped to catch my breath, and take some photos. These guys (one woman) motored to the top. I thought I was able to move fast. These guys were even faster. Looking over the edge (as you can see on the right hand part of the photo) is one beastly fall.
This is me at the top of Island Peak. Ama Dablam is in the background. Pemba took this shot. I got to spend about 15 minutes @ the top. Crystal clear and amazing view. Not bad. But, the sun was starting to warm the snow, and loosen the pickets on the fixed ropes. If they pull out, a tumble you will go, a tumble you will go, Hi Ho the Dairy O, a tumble you will go..... Time to get off the mountain!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
Gorek Shep and Kala Pattar
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Everest Base Camp
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
This yak didn't want his picture taken, but I asked nicely and gave him 10 rupees, and he seemed OK with it.
Me in front of Lotse wall.This is a hotel just up the trail from Loboeche. It's called the Pyramid, and it's own by an Italian company. It looked a little scruffy from the outside, but hell what doesn't look scruffy in Nepal?